The Cottrell Innovation Suite
The Cottrell Innovation Suite will continue the VCU Department of Surgery’s long-standing tradition of excellence in research, innovation, surgical education, and surgical testing.
The location is Sanger Hall, 1101 East Marshall Street, 9th floor, the same location where Drs. Lower and Hume made history 50 years ago.
See VCU News: "50 years after Virginia’s first heart transplant, $1M gift breathes new life into historic lab."
This project is being funded by philanthropic dollars, and a gift of $10,000 which can be paid over five years will include you in this history and put your name on the donor wall.
To start giving today, please visit
For more information, please contact Noah Clough at
Video rendering of the Christine B. and David E. Cottrell Surgery Innovation Suite
Thromboelastograph (Mangino) |
VCAL Thromboelastograph |
VCAL Thromboelastograph |
VCAL Thromboelastograph |
VCAL Luminex Multiplex Analyzer |
VCAL Stago Calibrated Automated Thrombogram/Fluorometer |
VCAL Stago Calibrated Automated Thrombogram/Fluorometer |
VCAL Chronolog Aggregometer -4 CHANNELS |
VCAL Chronolog WB Aggregometer single channel |
VCAL ABX CBC Machine (no differential) |
VCAL Hemodyne Hemostasis Analysis System |
VCAL Accuri Flow Cytometer |
VCAL Accuri C-Sampler |
VCAL StaCompact Coagulation Panel Analyzer |
VCAL PFA Platelet Function Analyzer |
VCAL ELISA with plate reader |
VCAL accuWash Microplate Washer |
VCAL AccuBlock Digital Dry Bath |
VCAL Fibrometer |
VCAL Thermo Centrifuge |
VCAL Microcentrifuge |
VCAL Incubating Microplate Shaker 25 to 37 degrees C |
VCAL Microplate Cooling & Heating Minishaker 4-37 C |
VCAL Mini Vortex |
VCAL Vortex Mixer |
VCAL Ultra sonic Sonicator |
VCAL Benchtop Personal Sized Incubator |
VCAL Accu-124 Balance |
Beaker Mini heater |
Water Bath 10L |
Heated Bath Circulator P-5 |
VCAL Desktop Computers for TEG |
VCAL Desktop Computers for Hemodyne |
VCAL Printers for lab instruments |
Network Printer |
VCAL Medium Duty Utility Cart |
VCAL Utility Cart with power connectors |
Real Time System |
Computer |
Mastercycler gradient |
NanoDeop One |
Power Supply-Gel |
Power Supply-Transfer |
Power Supply-Gel |
Power PAC-Transfer |
Rocking platform |
Mini Spin |
Mini Centrifuge |
Rocking platform |
Vortex Cenie 2 |
Mini Centrifuge |
Heat/Stir |
ChemiDoc MP Imaging System |
Trans-Blot Turbo TRANSFER System |
BioTek Synergy ne02 multi mode reader |
Computer connected |
Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer |
Computer connected |
Heratherm Oven |
Hettich Mikro 220 R 2205-01 Refrigerated Centrifuge |
IEC CL31R Multispeed Centrifuge |
Ultrasonic cell disrupter |
Tissue tearor |
Ultra-TurraxTB |
Tissumizer |
Mitochondrial High Resolution Respirometer/Oroboros 02k |
Semi-Micro Osmometer |
MiStral 1000 Centrifuge |
The Agilent 1260 Infinity II Vialsampler (G7165A) |
Computer (connect) |
MasterFlex L/S Easy-Load2 |
Isotemp heat stir |
Anlytical Balance |
Anlytical Balance |
Stir heat plate |
Refrigerator (20 cu ft) |
RefrigeratorC4/C-20 |
VCAL Refrigerator with -20 freezer |
VCAL Refrigerator |
Supercentrifuge |
Swinging bucket floor centrifuge |
Freezer -20 |
MilliQ Water Reservoir |
Flowmeter/Model T403 |
Masterflex L/S Pump/model 7518-00 |
Computer connected |
Digital Heating Cooling Water Bath/Model1160S |
Digital Heating Hot Water Bath/Model1160S |
Water bath |
Water bath |
Milli-Q® EQ7000 Water Purification System |
Oven |
Mettler Toledo |
Digital Heating Cooling Water Bath |
Isotemp water bath |
Transonic Systems |
Refrigerator with -20 Freezer |
Invert Microcsope/ Model CK41 |
Water both |
Thermo Centrifuge? |
Liquit Nitrogen Tank |
CO2 incubator |
CO2 incubator |
CO2 incubator |
Biological safety cabinet |
Biological safety cabinet |
VWR Incubtor |
Heat Stir plate |
Multi Pupose Rotator |
Slide Moat |
Mini Stir |
Microscope |
Water bath |
Microtome |
Blood Gas Analzyer (Radiometer) |
Vetscan HM5 |
Anesthesia machines (3) |
Anesthesia machines |
Microscope Surgical (Stand) |
Microscope Surgical (stand) |
Microscope Surgical (Table) |
HOTPOG Heater |
PowerLab B35/ ADInstruaments/QUAD Bridge/ (sets2) with computer |
PowerLab (sets2) with computer |
HTP-1500 |
HTP-1500 |
Cool light |
Warming Controller |
M11 UltraClave |
Clave |
Centrifuge 5702 |
Programmable syringe pump |
Germinator 500 Dry sterilizer |